
Advance Floating Navbar

As the Page is scrolled this Navbar Floats and Borders Shine with Neon Colors.


General Use

  • Attention-Grabbing
  • Interactive Experience
  • Highlighting Key Areas
  • Personal Blogs or Portfolios

Dependencies Installation

npm i framer-motion


copy the source code in components/Navbar.tsx

"use client";
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import Link from "next/link";
import { motion, useAnimation } from "framer-motion";

export function Navbar() {
  const [isMenuOpen, setIsMenuOpen] = useState(false);
  const [scrolled, setScrolled] = useState(false);
  const controls = useAnimation();

  // Toggle menu for mobile
  const toggleMenu = () => {

  // Handle scroll event
  useEffect(() => {
    const handleScroll = () => {
      setScrolled(window.scrollY > 50); // Adjust this value as needed

    window.addEventListener("scroll", handleScroll);
    return () => window.removeEventListener("scroll", handleScroll);
  }, []);

  // Apply animation when scrolled
  useEffect(() => {
    if (scrolled) {
        opacity: 1,
        scale: 1,
        transition: { duration: 0.5 },
    } else {
        opacity: 0.9,
        scale: 0.95,
        transition: { duration: 0.5 },
  }, [scrolled, controls]);

  return (
    <nav className="fixed top-0 left-0 right-0 z-50 p-4">
        className={`flex items-center justify-between ${
          scrolled ? 'max-w-4xl' : 'w-full'
        } ${
          scrolled ? 'bg-black bg-opacity-70 border-2 border-neon text-neon' : 'bg-transparent'
        } mx-auto transition-all duration-500 ease-in-out`}
          borderColor: scrolled ? '#0ff' : 'transparent',
          color: scrolled ? '#0ff' : 'white',
          boxShadow: scrolled ? '0 0 10px #0ff' : 'none',
          borderRadius: '12px', // Adjust this value for the desired border radius
          padding: '0.5rem', // Adjust padding to match the border radius
        {/* Header Section */}
        <div className="flex w-full items-center justify-between">
          {/* Left side menu */}
          <div className="flex items-center space-x-2">
            <Link href="/">
              <span className="font-orbitron text-2xl md:text-3xl">

          {/* Mobile menu button */}
          <div className="md:hidden flex items-center">
              className="text-2xl md:text-3xl text-white focus:outline-none"
              {isMenuOpen ? '✕' : '☰'}

          {/* Right side menu on desktop */}
          <div className="hidden md:flex flex-grow justify-end space-x-8 pr-8">
            <Link href="/docs" target="_blanck">
              <span className="font-orbitron text-white hover:text-purple-500 text-lg md:text-2xl">
            <Link href="/Templates">
              <span className="font-orbitron text-white hover:text-purple-500 text-lg md:text-2xl">
            <Link href="/Custom-Website">
              <span className="font-orbitron text-white hover:text-purple-500 text-lg md:text-2xl">
                Custom Website

        {/* Mobile menu items */}
        {isMenuOpen && (
          <div className="md:hidden absolute top-16 left-1/2 transform -translate-x-1/2 w-full max-w-md bg-black bg-opacity-70 p-4 flex flex-col items-center rounded-lg">
            <Link href="/docs" target="_blanck">
              <span className="font-orbitron text-white hover:text-purple-500 text-lg md:text-2xl py-2">
            <Link href="/Templates">
              <span className="font-orbitron text-white hover:text-purple-500 text-lg md:text-2xl py-2">
            <Link href="/Custom-Website">
              <span className="font-orbitron text-white hover:text-purple-500 text-lg md:text-2xl py-2">
                Custom Website

Props Input Table

The AnimatedText component accepts the following props:


Prop Descriptions

  • Prop: The name of the property.
  • Type: The type of the property (e.g., string).
  • Default: The default value of the property if none is provided.

This table helps users understand what props are available for customization and their default values.

By referring to this table, you can easily see what properties are configurable for the AnimatedText component and their default settings. Adjust the text prop to customize the animated text display in your application.

On this page